Glasgow The Caring City - About Us

About Us

First established in May 1999, Glasgow the Caring City is Glasgow’s very own aid agency helping children in crisis across the world and right here in Scotland. Originally set up to help those made homeless by the wars raging across the Balkans as well as the thousands that were arriving in Glasgow, as refugees we set about welcoming them with the warmth and compassion for which Glasgow is famous. Over ten years on and we continue to carry the name of Glasgow with pride.

Our beliefs are simple, we provide help where help is required; we express no political or religious motive and seek none in return. Our aim is simple, we provide care, help and love to the most fragile and destitute children in our Global Community.

What We Do

The work that Glasgow the Caring City does can be split easily into three key areas: HEALTH, SECURITY & EDUCATION. Within these areas our work is spread between local projects, international projects and emergency relief projects responding quickly and efficiently to disasters and emergencies.

HEALTH - We at Glasgow the Caring City see health as one of the most basic human rights especially when it comes to child health, this applies equally to those living here in Glasgow as it does to those living in other villages, towns and cities across the world. With this in mind health is absolutely central to much of the work which we as an organisation do both internationally and locally. We also work together with several partnership organisations to ensure that in the worst situation where emergency relief is required that the health of the most vulnerable in society is maintained as a number one priority.

SECURITY - Providing long term security to children in crisis is of crucial importance both here in Scotland and elsewhere across the world. This can take the form of re-training child soldiers enabling them to live a life away from conflict. Of equal importance is the security of children in crisis right here in Glasgow where something as simple as recycling used kitchen appliances in order that the poorest families in and around Glasgow can afford to have the barest essentials necessary to get by. Security is also of the utmost importance in the immediate aftermath of disasters and again Glasgow the Caring City showed its worth after the recent Japan earthquake and tsunami when blankets and shelter were provided. Security is absolutely crucial to the long term success of Glasgow the Caring City and together with Health and Education forms the spine of what Glasgow the Caring City aims to achieve.

EDUCATION - Education forms a key part of Glasgow the Caring City’s development aid strategy and we believe that only through re-education and training can the long term health and security of children living in crisis truly assured. In addition to our international education projects we also have a number of projects running in the Scottish education system teaching children here about their own environment as well as the environment of children less fortunate than themselves across the world.