Glasgow The Caring City - About Us


General Appeal

Glasgow the Caring City runs constant appeals throughout the year which helps us to secure the vital materials to support our projects overseas.

As always, we require Quality Clothing to provide to poor families, in areas of the world where cash and commodities are scarce. To donate clothes to a family is not simply a gesture of generosity, through the programmes we develop in partnership with local community groups, the donation of clothing is a step on the road to building self esteem amongst communities which in turn promotes the return of empowerment to projects

Blankets & Bedding are endlessly required overseas. For example, in Sudan, the temperature during the day can be over 30 degree Celsius but at night it can fall way below zero. The differential in temperature is often the factor which contributes to poor health amongst people who are underfed, sick with illness or sleeping in poor conditions. By providing warm blankets we are reducing the risk of people falling into harm.

Almost all of our projects overseas are delivered in communities where manual working is still the majority employer or indeed a necessity for developing better futures. Manual work can provide options to train to develop skills and improve communities, as well as providing sources of income. As such, Tools feature highly on our list of required donations. Anything from hand tools such as saws, hammers and spanners through to large pieces of equipment such as generators, welding rigs and cement mixers. The emphasis of our programmes is upon the promotion of self esteem and locally driven paths out of poverty. We don't want to be the agencies always delivering the projects, our role is to empower local people to be the energy and facilitators for their own positive change.